Rossland is a terrific community, filled with dedicated and talented folks. It’s a pleasure to be the mayor of the mountain kingdom!

I have just attended the Association of Kootenay Boundary Local Governments annual meeting held in Nakusp. It was well attended by elected representatives from the Kootenay region. This conference provides an excellent opportunity to share learning and experiences with our colleagues as well as to decide which regional issues should be brought to the Provincial annual meeting of municipalities in September. It was a busy couple of days.

I got a look at Nakusp’s clever micro-hydro unit that generates power off the water before it enters the water treatment plant and toured Nakusp’s new waste-water treatment plant.

Our new Interim Chief Administrative Officer, Mike Maturo, has hit the ground running. With his extensive municipal experience and understanding of the city, Mr. Maturo was able to immediately step into the CAO role and will have a positive impact on moving the city forward.

Our public engagement session on the financial plan was a grand success. Over 60 people showed up to learn how the online Thoughtexchange process had impacted the financial plan. It was an interactive session with the public getting an overview of the budget and some of the challenges that are ahead. The response was overwhelmingly positive.

The 2015-2019 financial plan is almost finalized! Council and staff spent many, many hours working on the budget for this year and the five-year financial plan. In consideration of increases to water and sewer rates, council decided to keep the tax increase to a modest 2 per cent. We are planning for big capital projects next year and only modest projects in 2015. I am going to Victoria in May to discuss our infrastructure needs and innovative grants with the Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural development.

In March two council meetings were opened by poetry readings from Almeda Glenn Miller — one poem addressed the need for a resolution to the recreation issue with Trail. Unfortunately we do not have an update on that situation yet. Trail is negotiating with the other communities first.

There is a new art display in council chambers: Artists Tim Peacock and Amy Exner have generously lent some of their work to brighten our walls. Many thanks to Andy Holmes, Claude Stormes and Richard Soltice for being the first to share their art. Numerous people have commented on the warm and welcoming feeling they get coming to council these days. Art, like attitude, can be subtle but powerful.

The water and sewer rate presentation in late March was well attended. Residents asked excellent questions. The consultants will use those thoughts, as well as council’s input to create some additional options for council’s consideration. Future rates will have to be higher in order for our water and sewer utilities to be self-sustaining. Watch for more public meetings.

City staff and ISL Engineering did an excellent job putting together what we hope will be several successful grant applications. We applied for a full rehabilitation of Washington Street as our number one priority. The application included the basic necessities of sewer, water, sidewalks and paving but also some innovative ideas to include mini-power generators inside the pipes and a cistern to capture and reuse storm water to irrigate our downtown. We also applied for some grants to help us improve our asset management procedures as well as some additional work on Spokane Street. If we are successful, 2016 will be a busy year.

Volunteers to advise the steering committee on the development of a new sewage treatment plant for our area have been selected. Many thanks to Elise Pare, Trevor Greene and Alastair Champion for stepping up as Rossland’s representatives. An introductory meeting will be held in May to get the committee up to speed on the project. Thanks also to others who put their names forward and to past Rossland committee members, Ken Holmes, Al Fisher and Bill Profili.


Rossland is a terrific community, filled with dedicated and talented folks. It’s a pleasure to be the mayor of the mountain kingdom!



Rossland News