McGregor Says: Buying the right thing for Dad

Mark Twain is quoted as saying, "When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around.

Mark Twain is quoted as saying, “When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around.

But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much he had learned in seven years.”

As Father’s Day rolls around again, no doubt plans are being made in many households on what is the best way to make dad happy for at least one day.

Mother’s Day marks the biggest day of the year for florists.

I don’t know if Canadian Tire keeps track of such things, but I’ll bet Father’s Day marks the biggest day of the year for sales of things for dad’s car that he will put in the trunk and never use.

The phone company tells us that on Mother’s Day there is a significant increase in long distance calling and phone usage, as everyone wishes mom the best and spends some time catching up on family.

Most dad telephone conversations on Father’s Day go like this: “Hi dad, Happy Father’s Day!”

“Oh thanks, here’s your mom.”

I recall phoning home one day and Dad answered the phone. I immediately thought something terrible had happened to mom. Dad replied, “She’s hanging clothes on the line, phone back in 10 minutes.”

What do you buy for a Father’s Day gift? A friend shared, “One year I gave dad $100 for Father’s Day and told him, “Buy yourself something that will make your life easier.”

He bought jewelry for mom.

If you are reading this on Friday, two days away from Father’s Day, and you haven’t bought a gift yet, you’re probably not going to put a lot of thought into it.

What kind of dad is he? Is he active, out there golfing or biking or fishing? Or is he the ‘unbutton his pants, sit in the big chair and watch sports’ kind of guy?

You have to know, because buying the ‘easy chair dad’ a fitness tracker is a huge waste of money.

Maybe he’s more suited to wireless headphones so he can listen to Buck Martinez announce home runs while tuning the rest of the world out.

A card is always nice, but put some thought into it that expresses your personal relationship with your father. There is always the card with the fishing rod and reel on the front lying next to an old wicker creel and the verse inside says something like: “Dad, I think of you often and with love; you have shaped me and encouraged me.”

Or, maybe your relationship is better marked by the card that shouts, “World’s Greatest Farter!” and has a cartoon inside of a family holding their noses and a verse that says, “Dad, you leave me breathless!”

If your dad is still with you, make a fuss over him.

If he’s not, find a quiet spot to say thanks.

Either way, he’ll appreciate it. At least that’s what McGregor says.

Langley Times