McVittie states her case for backing McVittie

We’re looking for a representative who listens, understands and is prepared to stand up within caucus and in the legislature

Editor, The Times:

Re: Dale Bass’s column of July 11 (‘Lake-Moats political battle could be contest for the ages’), in which she comments on the NDP candidates vying for the Kamloops-North Thompson nomination.

Bass, a self-confessed liberal, believes Kamloops-North Thompson NDP members should choose Chad Moats as the candidate to defeat Liberal MLA Terry Lake, but her argument doesn’t hold any water.

Why would we want an NDP version of the current MLA?

Another self-described “policy wonk” with a “temper” describes all that is wrong with politics today.

We don’t need more people like Gordon Campbell or Stephen Harper.

We need smart, caring, articulate people who live in the constituency and have deep, activist roots in the area.

If I want to watch a testosterone-heavy battle, I’ll watch mixed-martial arts on pay-per-view.

If we’re looking for politics as usual, then members should either vote for a lawyer or a “policy wonk.”

If we’re looking for a representative who listens, understands and is prepared to stand up within caucus and in the legislature for the needs of this region because she’s a long time resident and she’s been speaking up for years, then the choice is me.

Cecile McVittie

Kamloops, B.C.

Editor’s note: Cecile McVittie is seeking the NDP nomination in Kamloops-North Thompson. Her opponents are Chad Moats and Kathy Kendall. Party members will vote on July 23.



Clearwater Times