Meals program offers more than food

This entire enterprise is principally manned by groups of willing volunteers.

For those who are not aware of its existence, this is a direct endorsement of a program in Sicamous that has been functioning successfully for more than two decades.

It is the Wheels to Meals program, a lunch served regularly on Tuesday and Thursday in the Haven common room. Meals are also delivered to housebound clients.

This entire enterprise is principally manned by groups of willing volunteers.

Over and above all, this is not simply an economically-priced meal where one dashes in at the last minute, literally inhales a plate of food and scurries out the door. This is a full-scale social event which brings people together to become better acquainted. It is important, particularly for those who live alone, to become involved and thus allow them to feel less isolated.

Some months after my husband’s death in 2007, to avoid becoming a recluse, I began attending Haven lunches and I went early, mainly for the purpose of socializing with other people. Over time the food became a bonus… Besides, the sharing of funny stories and some laughter is good for everyone.

I would encourage more people to try the Haven meals program. How often these days do you find tea, coffee and dessert included with your meal at no extra cost?

Some obvious rules of courtesy need to be observed. This is not a fast-food restaurant with limitless supplies within reach. When you are planning to attend, please call well in advance so the kitchen staff has a fair idea how much food to prepare. The numbers to call are 250-836-4687, or 250-836-4980.

Any questions or concerns should be addressed directly to the board members: Eileen Whitehead, Bea Herzog, Sharon Krahn, Rhona Martin or Dorothy Regts.




Alli M. Graham



Eagle Valley News