A letter writer takes issue with the pot position put forward by the Surrey Board of Trade.

A letter writer takes issue with the pot position put forward by the Surrey Board of Trade.

Meltdown of civilization is nigh – not

How will pot legalization cause people to want to be impaired at work?

Re: “Pot is bad for business,” Letters, The Leader, Sept. 5.

Your entire letter, Ms. Huberman, is directed towards those who would use marijuana at work. But how will legalization cause people to want to be impaired at work?

To show up at my construction site impaired would result in immediate removal from site, loss of employment, and possible criminal charges. Would Ms. Huberman suggest that responsible, contributing members of society will suddenly and immediately lose all self-control and risk their livelihoods by getting stoned before work if marijuana was legal to buy in stores like alcohol?

According to Ms. Huberman’s ridiculously flawed logic, people who enjoy drinking alcohol recreationally will not have enough discretion to stay sober for work. I mean, if it’s legal then we should be able to drink at work, right?

Obviously,  a total meltdown of western civilization will follow legalization of marijuana. Give me a break. This letter was a joke, right?

Thankfully, people are not as dumb as you think. Your perception of reality, Ms. Huberman, is disturbingly naive and ignorant of all the facts.


Randy Funk, Delta

Surrey Now Leader