Memorial Parkade price increase

Perhaps there is a better location for the parkade—perhaps at the now empty lot on St. Paul and Doyle the former site for the Monaco?

To the editor:

A couple of years ago, the city council of the day conducted an AAP (alternative approval process) to discern the approval or in the case of an AAP, the disapproval of voters to council borrowing $14 millions to construct the parkades along Ellis (an extention of the Library Parkade and for the new construction of a parkade infront of the Museum. The AAP failed to gather the 10 per cent of the required votes, thus allowing council to go ahead and borrow the $14 million.

Now council tells us that not only have the costs increased, but that they have redesigned the parkade, adding additional parking. The costs haven’t increased by mere thousands or even by the hundreds of thousands—they have increased by $3 million!

So I was just wondering, since the AAP only gave council the go ahead to approve the borrowing of $14 million, should council not be asking the voters again to approve the increased costs and redesign?

Perhaps voters will do a ‘rethink.’ Perhaps there is a better location for the parkade—perhaps at the now empty lot on St. Paul and Doyle the former site for the Monaco? After all, the parkade is mostly designed to serve the employees of the Interior Health building.

Joyce Mainland, Kelowna



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