Mess left behind at Lister Park

On my recent visit to Lister Park, I was disgusted by the amount of trash left behind by the Easter egg hunt...

To the Editor:

On my recent visit to Lister Park, I was disgusted by the amount of trash left behind by the Easter egg hunt that took place the weekend before. Everything from plastic bags that contained the treats to candy wrappers and cups were scattered all along the perimeter of this beautiful area, which happens to be adjacent to a pasture for organic dairy cows. Obviously, the wind had a part in the job of distributing the garbage into the nearby fields as I glanced over the fence dividing the two areas, and I wondered how much more had travelled out of sight into other farmland.

Shame on the parents for letting this happen and shame on the organizers of this event for not taking the responsibility for cleaning up afterwards! Children do not necessarily have the mindset to comprehend the ramifications of littering but perhaps this would be a suitable event to teach them the proper behavior when it comes to cleaning up after oneself.

My wife and I often visit Lister Park and always take the initiative to pick up the trash that is scattered throughout the area and can’t fail to notice the trashcan at the ball diamond has not been emptied for almost a year. We are forced to haul the garbage we collect to our own home and separate the recycling and put the rest in our weekly contribution to the landfill.

Can the visitors to this park not see the beauty of it being tainted by all this needless garbage? It is one of the gems of Creston and I hate to see it fall to this level of decay. One of the reasons we moved to Creston was because of its cleanliness and this is truly a disappointment. I would like to take this opportunity to give a call out to all the families that took part in the Easter egg hunt to go back and do something about the footprint they left on our wonderful Lister Park.

Dave Brummet



Creston Valley Advance