Mess must be cleaned up

Pull-off area between Horne Lake and Rosewall Creek defies description

THIS PHOTO DEPICTS the pull-off on the Island Highway between the Horne Lake and Rosewall Creek intersections on the Island Highway driving north.

THIS PHOTO DEPICTS the pull-off on the Island Highway between the Horne Lake and Rosewall Creek intersections on the Island Highway driving north.

Dear editor,

What’s shown in the photo above looks worse than this and the mess in the woods defies description.

Is this how we want our visitors to see our province?

How many dollars of tourism advertising are negated by this mess?

This is an engineered “pull-off” and as you can see it is frequently used.

No garbage containers, no toilets and amazingly not even a notice to tell travellers there is a proper rest area a few kilometres further on at Buckley Bay.

Someone has to smarten up and do something about this mess.

Chris Carter,



Comox Valley Record