Métis appreciate support for Louis Riel Day event

Nov. 16 is a day of remembrance and celebration for Metis people

Editor, The Times:

Louis Riel Day celebrations are held all over the country. Nov. 16 is a day of remembrance and celebration for Metis people.

We appreciate all who came to join us Sunday Nov. 15 at the Elks Hall in Clearwater. More appreciation to all of our supporters, and volunteers, as well as BC Metis Federation, Aboriginal Engagement Success By 6, and North Thompson Aboriginal Cultural Centre for making this day happen in our valley.

Louis Riel Day is perhaps one of the most significant days in our history as Métis people. This day is a day of celebration of who we are as a unique people, with our culture and traditions independent of other Aboriginal peoples.

Louis Riel Day commemorates the anniversary of the execution of Riel on Nov. 16, 1885 at Regina, Saskatchewan. Riel made the ultimate sacrifice for his people, defending Métis rights, and so on this day we honour and celebrate Louis Riel in recognition of our great Leader of the Métis Peoples, Father of Manitoba and Métis Hero.

Louis Riel Day is the day we proudly proclaim our Metis ancestry.

“Kishchee tey mo’yawn aen li Michif wi’yawn”

“We are proud to be Métis”

Thousands of very proud Métis people all around B.C. celebrated with various cultural activities, potluck dinners, workshops and other events of celebration, teachings and presentations to honour his memory and promote our Métis pride.

In Clearwater, we had a wonderful lunch and yummy bannock (courtesy of Tipi Treats), jigging, games and displays.

Watch our website for updates and pictures of our day.  www.aboriginalculture.ca or ww.aboriginalculture.ca/home

Cindy Wilgosh, executive director


NT Aboriginal Cultural Centre



Clearwater Times