Mine decision is wrong

Editor: How could the Federal Government have gotten it so wrong on the New Prosperity Mine? T


How could the Federal Government have gotten it so wrong on the New Prosperity Mine? The environmental review of the mine that was conducted by Natural Resources Canada and the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency did not accurately reflect the proposal that was actually put forward by the mine proponent, and nor was it based on a full and fair consideration of the facts. A reputable, independent, and fully regulated engineering firm, one that adheres to a strict professional code of conduct, has confirmed that the process was flawed and unfair to the proponent.

How can we as Canadians sit back and allow a major mistake such as this one to shut down a 1.5 billion dollar project? The mine proposal calls for the best environmental controls and standards the world has ever seen and would result in 700 construction and 500 operational jobs for more than 20 years. How can the people of this province have any confidence in the objectivity and fairness of the environmental review process when a glaring mistake such as this can be been made? The Federal Government needs to get it right and allow this project to proceed.

Fred Reemeyer

Coquitlam B.C.


Burns Lake Lakes District News