Minimum wage’s impact shouldn’t be minimized

Premier Christy Clark is showing off her true corporate colours when she obligingly shoots down the minimum pay raise.

To the Editor,

Re: Minimum wage won’t be going up, March 12.

Well yet again, Premier Christy Clark is showing off her true corporate colours when she obligingly shoots down the minimum pay raise, which would have greatly boosted – more so with this very hard-hitting economic recession – the living wages of the working poor, which would have also boosted the economy and employment, thereby putting B.C. back on the right track, but alas, the economic train of recovery will not come.

But wait – there is the formula, that will, according to Clark, incrementally raise the minimum wage to keep pace with the cost of living. In all, this so-called formula just adds up to very mixed-up words to try to hoodwink the already-too-overburdened B.C. taxpayers.

Al MunroNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin