Mining strategy fails B.C. workers

There has got to be a better long-term strategy for B.C. than importing foreign workers to hasten the export ofnatural resources.

To the Editor,

The B.C. Liberals’ latest mining strategy is to let foreign companies develop and operate mines using ‘temporary’ Chinese workers.

Maybe Premier Christy Clark plans to ship unemployed British Columbians to China to build railroads.

After a few years of apprenticing overseas, they might be qualified to come home and get a non-union job with a Chinese company.

Clark did promise her government would create jobs and balance the budget, but she failed to mention the new jobs would be for Chinese workers.

Perhaps she intends to balance the budget by importing even more Chinese ‘temps’ to work in B.C. hospitals, B.C. schools, B.C. Hydro and B.C. Ferries.

Hopefully Clark will hire a couple Chinese communist government planners because they have demonstrated an innate talent for strategic planning.

There has got to be a better long-term strategy for B.C. than importing foreign workers to hasten the export our valuable non-renewable natural resources.

Lloyd Atkins


Nanaimo News Bulletin