Minister: docks to remain

I’m writing in response to the ad in the July 24th Observer: “Will you have your docks tomorrow?”

I’m writing in response to the ad in the July 24th Observer: “Will you have your docks tomorrow?”

The province will not be removing any docks today, tomorrow or anytime soon. The ministry is embarking on a long-term program to bring unauthorized docks into compliance. Rather than enforcement, ministry staff are focusing on education and voluntary compliance. The first step is to advise docks owners in clear terms what is and isn’t allowed and outline what it takes to bring docks into compliance. We have used a similar approach for close to two decades in the Okanagan, where compliance rates are now over 80 per cent.

There are currently more than 1,500 unauthorized docks on Shuswap Lake, most of which will be eligible for a long-term tenure or licence of occupation once their owners apply. For docks up to 20 square metres in area, there is a streamlined process that does not require an environmental assessment. The first step is to contact FrontCounterBC (1-877-855-3222) and request an application package. For larger structures, the ministry is developing a pilot project that will enable most other dock owners to secure a tenure without having to undergo an environmental assessment. More details will be released in the coming weeks.

However, under the Land Act, only those people who own waterfront property are allowed to have docks. Ministry staff will have to deal with these cases separately with the goal of developing a long-term solution that both achieves compliance and provides those property owners with reasonable recreational access to the lake.

The issue of unauthorized docks is widespread, complicated and will take many years to resolve. In the meantime, I encourage all Shuswap Lake residents and cabin owners to enjoy the summer with the comfort of knowing their docks will remain in place.

Steve Thomson,Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations


Salmon Arm Observer