Minister urged to reject swap

Open letter to Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Minister Steve Thomson:

I am sending this e-mail to register my protest to the Rainbow Island land-swap exchange.

Although my husband and I live in Gibsons, we have visited Bridge Lake for years, and now own recreational property on the lake.

Bridge Lake is unique, and I expect you are well aware of the various arguments presented in opposition to this exchange.  I endorse all of those arguments, so please add my voice to the outcry you’re hearing.

Crown reserve is our land – the public’s land – and there is no basis whatsoever to consider exchanging land held in trust for the public to appease developers.

The public owes nothing to the developers behind this project. As stewards of the land on behalf of the public – particularly land that is irreplaceable, as is this parcel – there is no justification for you to consider this exchange.

“Families first” doesn’t mean benefiting the private sector at the expense of the public. Although we are privileged enough to own land on the lake, the purpose of Crown land is to endow every citizen with the ability to enjoy land, irrespective of their financial means.

There are no legitimate bases on which to justify the exchange.  Take the trust that the public poses in you – to safeguard their interests and the interests of future generations – and honour that trust.

Reject the exchange.


Margrett George

Gibsons/Bridge Lake



100 Mile House Free Press