Ministerial meetings like speed dating

TNRD Director Steve Rice describes making every second count when meeting with cabinet ministers.

Dear Editor

The Union of BC Municipalities annual convention was once again enlightening, eye opening and maybe best of all…I learned a lot and made some great new connections.

The delegates voted on about 124 resolutions with about three quarters of those being approved.

A couple that would be of interest to our area would be the cessation of train whistling in rural areas when possible, and the possibility of having a second dwelling on Agricultural Land Reserve property to accommodate a family member. Even the proper disposal of old mattresses was debated.

I went to two Ministers meetings, first with Minister of Agriculture Norm Letnick, about the disposal of agricultural plastic waste – a huge issue, as much is being burned or buried. Minister Letnick pointed out two current trial programs in the province which we will follow up on.

The second meeting was with Transportation Minister Todd Stone about lowering the speed limit at 70 Mile.

Though Director Sally Watson (Area E) didn’t get the answer she was looking for, but she put a great argument forward and must be applauded for her efforts.

As for hot topics, I would say BC Ferries and LNG topped the list, with many questions and concerns about both. The passion surrounding these two issues was very high…on both sides of the table and made for some interesting, heated conversation.

It is a bit like speed dating as the meetings run concurrent and you have exactly 15 minutes with each Minister to get your point across…not a second more.

Steve Rice, Director


Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal