Minister’s claims questioned

I call on all Okanagan and B.C. residents to choose wisely in the coming election

Regarding “Minister responds to article on Okanagan jail”, I am wondering if Shirley Bond actually wrote the letter or had an assistant write it on her behalf? In any case, the letter is a perfect example of how a letter should not be written in response to public inquiry or for the purpose of informing the public upon a matter of interest or concern.

First of all, she writes like a very pompous person. She then makes the mistake of using an unfamiliar set of letters without explanation whereas she should have written “public private partnerships (PPP)” and then she would have been free to lazily refer to “ppp” anytime she were referring to the so-called public private partnerships (which should just be referred to as offloading the costs and responsibilities to unaccountable private organizations).

Why should we trust her claims that the PPP actually works? I do not believe much if anything that is said by a minister of the Crown or a member of the Liberal party (is it only coincidence that one can find the letters “li” and “e” in the party name?) and I have no reason to start believing them at this late date.

Who on earth is the Canadian Council for Public Private Partnerships? Is Bill Gates an honorary member? The Rogers family of Rogers Communications? The McCain family? I do wish that people like Shirley Bond would stop using pompous words like “efficiencies” (a real word?) and talking down to the general public as if she and her cohorts are smarter than other people.

She writes RFQ without first explaining what RFQ means though I believe it stands for “request for quotes”. Does she assume that everyone will know what she means by amortization schedule?

Is she surprised that Oliver would welcome jobs (whether or not they help decrease unemployment in the surrounding area)? Personally I consider the jobs propaganda by B.C. Liberals and Canadian Conservatives to be insulting to the intelligence of the public but especially those who are unemployed or under-employed. The Okanagan region cannot just rely on unreliable government claims, seasonal tourism and low-paying service sector jobs to “move” the economy “onwards and upwards”.

I call on all Okanagan and B.C. residents to choose wisely in the coming election, to disregard the untruths and outright lies of the present government and the pompous NDP government in waiting, never mind the irrational “wannabe” Conservative opposition party, to ask questions and seek answers prior to voting and hopefully the present government will be unceremoniously dumped into the unemployment line as they so richly deserve to be.

Patrick Longworth


Okanagan Falls



Penticton Western News