Ministry of Health must implement recommendation

Reader concerned about lack of movement on resident-on-resident aggression

To the editor:

Will the Ministry of Health implement any of the recommendations made by the Seniors Advocate Isobel Mackenzie in regard to resident-on-resident aggression in senior facilities?

Let’s take a look at the ministry’s past record of acknowledging the problems within the Senior health-care system.

In 2012, the taxpayers paid for an investigation by the Ombudsman to determine what needed to be changed to improve the quality of care for our seniors in facilities.

Some 176 recommendations were made. As of today, only 10 have been implemented.

The Ombudsman asked the ministry to develop a monitoring and enforcement system to ensure sufficient staffing levels. This suggestion was refused.

Now, another investigation that we are paying for has established a link between the increasing number of aggressive incidents and insufficient staff.

More than 80 per cent of facilities do not meet staffing guidelines.

If a lack of funding is to blame, how have the remaining 18 per cent managed to achieve a better quality of care?

Perhaps conscientious ownership and better management made the difference.

Why have violations against seniors increased by 21 per cent since 2014?

A lack of enforcement by our Health Authorities is the reason.

Is the ministry aware that the Health Authorities are failing to protect our seniors?

According to the Ombudsman, the ministry does not receive enough relevant data concerning the quality of care that facilities offer, or the actions that the Health Authorities are taking, to provide effective stewardship or oversight.

The Seniors Advocate has used our money wisely with extensive reports done in record time and under budget.

Will the ministry acknowledge any of the numerous problems identified in these reports?

Will the Seniors Advocate be more persuasive than the Ombudsman?


Judy Galley


100 Mile House Free Press