Misconceptions about office

Regarding rumours about the District Education Centre (New school board office)

Regarding rumours about the District Education Centre (New school board office)

I would like to set a few things straight regarding the new building.  I have heard so many rumours that are not even close to the truth that it is ridiculous.  It is time that these rumours are squashed. I work in the Board Office and want to make it clear that I am not stating any opinions about the last month’s financial discussions. Here are the truths:

• No water feature or waterfall.

• There is an accessible appropriate lobby for visitors.  Not one with 10 steps just to enter the building.

• No cafeteria. We have a lunch room to accommodate the employees in the building.

• No gym. We have a large meeting space that is used for all district meetings and others. There is a shower in one of the washrooms.

• The building is built with offices for management and the rest of the “offices” are just desks side-by-side.  Some of the desks raise so that people do not have to sit for hours if they have to be at their desk for long periods of time.

• The “granite” countertops are actually ordinary laminate. As with any new building the paint, carpeting, lino and tile work is all fresh and modern.

• The big new building has very little empty space.  There were four sites that the school district had all combined into one.  Five if you count the old board office. All of the space is used by different departments.

If you hear something that does not sound right, go out and find out for yourself if it is true. This will mean a lot less energy is expended on anger over something that is possibly not even true.

Heather Reid


Salmon Arm Observer