Missed opportunity

Resident pushes for light rapid transit between Vernon and Kelowna

A lot of people travel between Kelowna and Vernon. A lot of people work or go to school in Kelowna that live in Vernon. Why not, it is only a half-an-hour drive.

Vernon is becoming a bedroom community to Kelowna. The students going to UBCO and Okanagan College in Kelowna from Vernon is large. This can be seen by the crowds on the bus that go to those places. Lots of students drive there as well. People shop in Kelowna as well. They also go for the nightlife.

With that said, a perfect opportunity was passed by when the rail tracks were bought up for a trail for hiking and biking.

This is all fine and dandy. I hope that it gets uses a lot.

The Kettle Valley is a very good example.

Although when I biked it, it was pretty clear of people.

What we should have done, was use the tracks as a light rapid transit corridor to the Kelowna area.

It is a green alternative to the loads of vehicles that travel the highway. It is a great way to travel to Kelowna, along the lakes.

They could have stops in Vernon (downtown), Coldstream (unless they fight against it, as per normal), Lake Country (Oyama and Winfield), the airport, UBCO, Costco and downtown Kelowna.

I think it would have been a great move forward and one that I foresee happening in the future.

But then it will cost millions and Coldstream would say that it takes away from the rural lifestyle, which is only now in Lavington.

Michael Olsen


Vernon Morning Star