Missed the point

Letter writer Paul Kyba apparently sees nothing wrong with coun. Tanner stating that people “do the bulk of their shopping in Nanaimo?”

Letter writer Paul Kyba (Disappointed in the media, Dec. 3 edition of The NEWS) apparently sees nothing wrong with Coun. Scott Tanner stating that people who live in Qualicum Beach “do the bulk of their shopping in Nanaimo?”

Make no mistake about it, that was the central theme of the comment by editor John Harding in his editorial of Nov. 28.

Far from doing the community a disservice as suggested by Kyba, it is Harding’s role to point out to the 9,000 who did not attend the meeting that Tanner believes residents do not support Qualicum Beach businesses. Tanner clearly stated that he believes that tourists in town for the 90-100-day tourist season are better for the local business community than residents who live here year round. Harding simply reported it.

It seems Kyba agrees with Tanner. No surprise there. Local business leaders clearly do not. As usual, Kyba chooses to champion the view of his own minority, anti-development interest group and disparage that of the majority as cheerleading.

Make no mistake, Kyba’s community is that of the so-called concerned citizens of Qualicum Beach. His is the community of persons who present themselves as somehow “more concerned” than the rest of the town. It is this kind of minority interest that Tanner has championed for years, with Kyba as a cheerleader-in-chief.

Tanner appears to want the electors to think he is a businessman and the anti-development left to know he is their advocate. His comments and actions put the lie to the former. Tanner shot himself in the foot with the business community with his comments on Monday, Nov. 28. Because that could create electability problems for Tanner, Kyba is trying to camouflage Tanner’s faux-pas. Tanner talked himself out of office a few years ago over his opposition to Laburnum Road. The anti-everything crowd want to avoid losing their spokesman again.

There were at least two cheap shots taken lately in Qualicum Beach politics. None of them by Harding. Tanner took a shot at businesses and the permanent residents of Qualicum Beach. Kyba took a shot at Harding and the golf community.

If Tanner and his concerned supporters do not want his anti-business attacks and ill-informed commentary published for all to read, he should stop attacking Qualicum Beach businesses. Harding is doing what the media should do; making the public aware of the positions taken by elected officials.

Denyse Widdifield

Qualicum Beach

Parksville Qualicum Beach News