Mission policial landscape has been altered

A mixture of visions should be used to create Mission's future

Editor, The Record

Congratulations to the newly elected council, and above all, the residents who came out to participate in democracy.

As we move forward in an age of consequences to our every action, I can’t help remind myself of the old saying, “The world’s fate will be the one it deserves.”

For some time now, the populace has been struck with a worsening case of apathy and I threw my hat in the race in the hopes that I can bring a different mindset to politics and chip away at this threat to our valued democracy.

Although I wasn’t elected, I hope I helped make a small difference in fighting cynicism, but what now? Mission’s political landscape has drastically changed.

Many argue that party politics do not work, especially on the municipal level and that the citizen’s voice will not be heard. After all, our parliamentary system of governance is based on opposing points of view and debate. How will the opposition be expressed when a slate with no opposition and little divergence of opinion controls the ship?

I’ll be watching, but even more importantly, I will seek to bring the wonderful ideas that we came up with during this election to council. If we are all doing this for the betterment of our town and not personal glory, we must then cast aside personal ambition and push the ideas forward.

It is only in sharing these ideas that Mission will improve. I invite all the candidates to join me in delivering your ideas to the newly formed council; a mixture of all our visions for the future of Mission can become a road map for our children.

Kevin Francis


Mission City Record