MITCHELL’S MUSINGS: Make sure you vote

I agree that the twinning arena plan may not be perfect and may even seem a little bit rushed

I agree that the twinning arena plan may not be perfect and may even seem a little bit rushed but like most things political, it’s a compromise based on the reality of the present situation and decisions, or maybe lack of action, from the past.

Yes, we should have maintained Civic Arena better in the past.

I don’t see any hue and cry to replace similar-aged arenas in Penticton and Kelowna.

I think that goes back a few decades to when Vernon council was more concerned with no tax increases every year than taking care of our infrastructure.

Meanwhile, Kelowna grew exponentially, along with its facilities, and Vernon, well, didn’t. It’s not really anybody’s fault. It’s obviously what the people voted for and what they got.

As far as the consequences for Civic, it’s a shame, yes. But that ship has sailed.

And, yes, it would be nice if Kin Race Track was in the loop of possibilities. Just like it would have been nice to have the Greater Vernon Athletics Park at that central site instead of up at the college, but, again, political realities force compromises and thinking outside the box (and city) and at least we finally have a great track and field facility and football field worthy of this community (OK, it would be nice to have a scoreboard, any sponsors willing to step up?).

And don’t get me going on Marshall Field but our recreational facilities have been woefully inadequate for some time now compared to other similar-sized cities (yes, I have had a couple kids in sports over the past 15 years or so in case you want full disclosure but they missed the boat on the new field and any possible new arena, but maybe if they find a way to live here and have kids here and…..).

Yes, the timing kind of sucks after a pretty exhausting federal election and the opening of a field that went over budget, not to mention other needs and desires in the community, but for what it’s worth I’m going to vote in the affirmative because it makes sense on most levels and it will serve the community better in the future than the present situation.

I believe we’re paying the price for having to catch up a bit here when it comes to facilities. However, do remember the debt load for Kal Tire Place and the Performing Arts Centre are coming off the books soon, and I can’t imagine this community without those two star attractions getting the green light from voters all those years ago.

You, of course, should consider all the information being presented for your perusal and make your own decision.

After all, we are the ones paying the bills, and I applaud the fact that we get to decide the fate of this plan, as it should be.

I also know this plan, if it goes through, would affect other parties but I, again, believe there’s room for compromise and solutions that could benefit all, including the community at large.

Call me naive, but I believe we are all in this together, so no matter how you feel about this issue let’s keep the debate civil and reasonable and no matter the outcome we will continue to do our best to make this community a great place to live and play…….

……..There’s still plenty of time to gather information on this topic at various public information booths this coming week.

And check out the full referendum question online, it’s a mouthful, at where you’ll also find answers to frequently asked questions, diagrams and, of course, information on where to vote.

There’s one more advance poll this Wednesday (RDNO, Coldstream and Vernon municipal offices) and then the full meal deal on Saturday at BX, Ellison, Coldstream and Silver Star schools, along with the Vernon Recreation Complex.

No matter how you feel about the issue, the important thing is to vote.


Vernon Morning Star