MITCHELL’S MUSINGS: Raining on my parade

You know what they say about the best laid plans, but then again it was supposed to be a no-brainer and I was even sort of prepared

You know what they say about the best laid plans, but then again it was supposed to be a no-brainer and I was even sort of prepared. I mean the 100th anniversary of the Grey Cup, as Canadian an event with a rich tradition as you can get, and very worthy of maybe even throwing a party, if you can get the house clean in time and actually get your act together.

And I already knew all the words to the B.C. Lions fight song – Come on and roar you Lions roar etc. etc. – to impress the three or four couples we would invite, and a good time would be had by all, especially if B.C. could successfully defend their title.

Except. Well. Ahem. I think you probably know what happened. You see first the Lions had to beat the Calgary Stampeders in the Western final but that was supposed to be a sure thing, even though the Stamps were the hottest team in the second half and there are no sure things in sports, and especially in the CFL.

Heavy sigh.

I could go into a rant about the B.C. defence, well offence too, but, hey, I’m over it. Sort of. Not enough to host a party though. I don’t know the Argo or Stamp fight song and I don’t own a horse, or a ship for that matter.

But it’s still an historic anniversary for the Grey Cup. And it’s still a tradition worth celebrating and it might even be a good game, as it usually is, so I’ll watch it. And I’ll try not to be bitter. But go Argos go……….

………and speaking of depressing, this rain lately is starting to get to me.

It’s dark, it’s wet, it’s the kind of cold that goes right through you, and I’m starting to think we live in Prince Rupert. It’s also not white, or snow, or cheery or Christmassy at all.

However, the forecast is for flurries today so I’m semi optimistic they may know what they’re talking about and things will improve and skiers can soon strap the boards on and get on with the season. I know some people, like the ones at the Coast, will say “at least you don’t have to shovel it” to all the rain we’re having, but that’s just what Coastal people say to  justify living where they do and well, not here, where we enjoy snow, for the most part.

I don’t even mind shovelling it as it’s one of the few ways I get exercise and it’s at least bright and not dreary like the weather of the last few weeks…….

…….went to the VSS open house and so-long ceremony Thursday night and it was anything but depressing. Well done to all the staff and students that helped host the hundreds of grads and former staff and friends who came to take a look and relive old memories.

Well, I guess the brick and concrete and lack of windows and, I swear, the same lockers that I used in 1978, were a tad on the depressing side and helped tell the story of why the new school is needed, but still it was all good.

I saw enough fellow grads and former teachers and friends and family to make it a feel-good community event, and from the lip dub to the food to the silent auction with all the cool memorabilia, it was the perfect mix of organized but casual. I only spent two years at what was then VSSS, the only senior high school in town, so it went by in a hurry, and it was a few years ago, ahem, but it’s surprising what floods back when you walk the halls. And most of it good. I only wish they’d done the same thing at the old Fulton in Polson Park before they tore it down, as I spent three good years there.

Oh well, thanks again for a great night and good luck with the move. Now, about that rain.


Vernon Morning Star