MITCHELL’S MUSINGS: Thanks for the memories

Lots of news from the world of television as another season comes to an end just in time to allow us to get out and enjoy spring

Lots of news from the world of television to muse over as another season comes to an end just in time to allow us to get outside and enjoy all that spring has to offer….

……first there was the final installment of How I Met Your Mother, after nine years finally revealing how the title would be answered.

I understand the hour-long episode was a bit, well, unsatisfactory for some viewers but I thought, like the series itself, it was more than OK, although it could have been better. A solid B.

Anyone who followed the Robin-Ted relationship (spoiler alert) knew that it would have to have some kind of resolution and although the ending was likely unsatisfying for some on that topic, hey, life (and apparently sitcoms) is like that most of the time.

Although the show was sometimes too over-the-top, especially in the later years, and gimmicky (the playbook, the high five, the slap etc…), it could usually be relied on for a few laughs and a couple of insights every episode. Plus it was the best ‘buddy’ show since Cheers or Friends in their heyday.

By the way it’s replacement has to be New Girl, which is the only other sitcom I try to watch each week, live, or on demand as they say.

I came to HIMYM kind of late as my kids actually got me hooked on the show after one of them decided he liked it and virtually watched every episode one long weekend.

So in order to understand the Bro Code and better communicate with them I got on board.

In a bit of irony that same kid, who I hadn’t seen in three months, face timed me from Hanoi, Vietnam to say happy birthday Monday night, half way through the final episode.

After gently giving him heck for his timing (it was 10 a.m. the next day in Southeast Asia so it’s understandable, not to mention the show is likely not so much a priority for him right now), it was great to hear from him and even quite thoughtful, so I dropped it. Still, I watched it later and enjoyed it just the same……

…….and speaking of final episodes, David Letterman announced he is calling it quits, well sometime in 2015 anyway.

It’s the latest in the changing of the guard on late night television.

Jimmy Fallon recently took over for Jay Leno and people were starting to wonder when the 67-year-old Letterman, who launched his own show back in 1982, would also ride off into the sunset.

Well, now we know, sort of, as no date has been announced and we can enjoy a year-long slew of references to when and why it will happen.


I was a big fan of both Leno and Letterman and I’m still making up my mind on the new generation, not to mention who should take Dave’s place, but here is my final salute with a top 10 list, which is a concept I’ve stolen before, on why Letterman is retiring:

The Top Ten Reasons David Letterman is retiring after 32 years:

10. Did I mention I’m 67?

9. I’m thinking of having another kid.

8. Hey, I outlasted Jay. Game. Set. Match.

7. This show comes on past my bedtime already.

6. It’s that damn The Twitter thing.

5. My son Harry is 10 and I haven’t got around to teaching him how to throw a curveball yet. By the way, how do you throw a curveball, anybody?

4. The guests seem to be getting younger and younger and then one day I realized maybe I’m just getting older? Did I mention I’ve been doing this for 32 years?

3. I understand ratings. Hits? Not so much.

2. I did have heart bypass surgery in 2000 you know.

1. Because I can.


Vernon Morning Star