Mixed messages on cannabis use

I, like Tom Fletcher, having been calling for the legalization and regulation of marijuana for years, but who is listening?

Re Tom Fletcher column regarding Sensible BC:

I, like Tom Fletcher, having been calling for the legalization and regulation of marijuana for years, but who is listening? With mixed messages from Ottawa concerning mandatory minimum sentences and free enterprise marijuana grow-ops, it is clear the feds are uncertain as to what direction Canada is heading in with marijuana reform.

Mr. Fletcher argues that because Sensible BC’s Initiative to decriminalize marijuana does not address the underpinning criminal and economic activity associated, it should not be encouraged at all. For good measure he gratuitously cites the horrific Surrey Six slayings. Fletcher, however, is deluded if he believes, as he states in his article, that the Sensible BC Initiative to decriminalize marijuana “…would tie police hands when they are trying to hold someone on a lesser charge while they search for evidence of something nastier.”

Dana Larsen’s Sensible BC initiative will see an amendment to the Provincial Police Act instructing police not to spend any time, money or resources on cases of simple possession of cannabis. The savings to taxpayers and easing of the justice system would be hugely beneficial to the time and resources of the RCMP Integrated Crime units. Not to mention young people would not have their lives ruined over simple possession. It is absurd in days such as these; our elected leaders in office admit to past experience with marijuana, and that their lives would have been much different if they were charged with possession. Many polls indicate public opinion is in support of marijuana reform. Whether it be legalization, regulation, medicinal, or decriminalization of marijuana, there is interest.

Sensible BC will allow all British Columbians to have a say on the direction our province would like to take in regards to marijuana reform and send a clear signal to Ottawa that we aren’t going to wait for them. That is why I support Sensible BC. Call it grassroots if you want, but it is a start.


Stacey Smandych-Dack

Shuswap district organizer

Sensible BC

Salmon Arm Observer