MLA column offers few solutions

Government ignores West Shore priorities, MLA Report, Sept. 30, 2011

Government ignores West Shore priorities, MLA Report, Sept. 30, 2011

I opened the paper, saw the column by Maurine Karagianis and started reading it in the hope to learn and discover something proactive and constructive but was sadly disappointed.

Under cover of a few titles and glib language, she proceeded to criticize the government without offering physically possible and economically viable solutions or ideas.

It was a regurgitation of old ideas for which she really could not substantiate her position on. Either something is not fast enough for her or becomes a priority because someone thought it was.

From child care to the HST, and from a high school to regional transit, it was a verbose article that had no solid basis.

How about discussing actual programs for planned parenting, or substantiating why a new building would provide better education for the area? How about putting numbers and facts on regional transportation such as firm ridership (number of rides per day from origin to destination), and the actual percentage of the population that would support commuter service and at what cost?

It’s most disturbing to hear pundits or punters who manage to get elected, go on to pontificate on issues that perhaps local government should look into, just for the sake of blaming the provincial government and to try to sound or look good.

Pierre Vallee





Goldstream News Gazette