MLA delivered the goods

Letter writer praises MLA Eric Foster for involvement with securing funds for Upper Room Mission

Two years ago, the Upper Room Mission celebrated its 30th anniversary.  One of our invitees was our MLA, Eric Foster, who showed a lot of interest in the work of the Upper Room Mission.

I informed Mr. Foster that the Upper Room Mission was in dire need of upgrading its kitchen and asked him for government assistance in obtaining some funding.

Mr. Foster asked about our programs and then promised that he would go to bat for us, assuring me that he would get us assistance.  Little did we know at that time what he had in mind.

This spring, we started renovating our kitchen and I called on Mr. Foster to inform him that we had started our renovations. I reminded him of his promise.

A few weeks later, we received a call from a senior civil servant in Victoria to say that Mr. Foster had spoken with both the finance minister and the premier regarding our financial needs. Actually we were hoping to receive a kitchen appliance. But Mr. Foster did far better.

We received $100,000 for our Fresh Start program and for additional counselling ministries.

I want to express my personal gratitude to our MLA, Eric Foster, as well as the gratitude from the board of directors, our staff, the volunteers and especially from the guests at the Upper Room Mission.

This funding will provide additional revenue for our programs and enhance our counselling so we can further support our guests.

Eric, you are truly a member of the Legislature who works for the benefit of your constituents.

Once again thank you for your concern and living up to your promise.

Jake Spoor,

Board chairperson


Upper Room Mission



Vernon Morning Star