MLA responds

Eric Foster responds to safety concerns on Vernon's Hospital HIll

I am writing to respond to a letter printed in The Morning Star March 6 from Glenna Miles regarding safety on Hospital Hill.

Miles stated she contacted my office several months ago with a query regarding the lack of safety on Hospital Hill and that my office did not reply to her.

I would like to point out that Miles did not contact my office but rather posted a comment on MLA Greg Kyllo’s Facebook page. In turn, Kyllo’s office forwarded the comment to my office. After looking into the issue, my office staff was able to find out exactly what is planned for Hospital Hill and tried to find a contact for Miles to let her know. My office staff was unable to find a contact for her and neither was Kyllo’s office. If we had a contact for her, we would let her know the Ministry of Transportation has already ordered a new, larger overhead sign as well as new roadside signage.

The no-stopping signage will be removed at the intersection as it is redundant.

Eric Foster, Vernon-Monashee MLA


Vernon Morning Star