Lorne Doerkson is the Liberal MLA for the Cariboo-Chilcotin. (Black Press Media file photos)

MLA’s CORNER: End of a session

There is much needing to be done as province re-opens

There is much needing to be done as local merchants and business owners get back on their feet as our province gradually re-opens its economy.

I did my best during my time in Victoria to attract the attention of cabinet ministers on everything from the condition of our roads to the downturn effects the pandemic has had on our local tourism and restaurant operators.

More than anything, I have witnessed firsthand how legislation comes to be and perhaps more importantly, how it might be changed.

The latter is no simple task, but in my time here I have watched outside groups have an impact on the 87 members here in both good and bad ways.

The one piece of legislation that will probably continue to be unsettled in the province is Bill 7, the Electoral Boundaries Commission Amendment Act.

Generally speaking, after two election cycles our electoral boundaries have been historically adjusted accordingly to a range of plus or minus twenty-five per cent of the average electoral district population

The Electoral Boundaries Commission Amendment Act would essentially do away with that principle, and just create a few very large rural ridings outside of the Lower Mainland.

This would result in far less local representation for the people of Cariboo-Chilcotin, but we do have the opportunity to share our concerns with the newly-appointed Electoral Boundaries Commission when it visits our region.

Or I again encourage everyone to write the Premier and give him your opinion about what you think all of this: premier@gov.bc.ca.

Lorne Doerkson is the Liberal MLA for the Cariboo-Chilcotin.


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