Moderation in all things

My experience is that things don’t work that way in the municipality on this side of the border.

I  honestly reckon all that flag-waving and trumpeting which occupied almost half of your editorial section on July 25, really does need a response.

Firstly, there was Saanich resident Keith Sketchley’s egregious diatribe aimed at Oak Bay Mayor Nils Jensen with regard to the use of electronic traffic speed readers, followed by accusations (by association) of handouts to moochers and pet do-gooder projects, and finally, not having the guts to police properly.

My experience is that things don’t work that way in the municipality on this side of the border. Sketchley would be well advised to keep wiser counsel and save his electioneering outbursts for his own constituency.

Secondly, may I opine that Dave Secco’s stricture of what we should be doing to save the planet is far too paternalistic, pedantic and doctrinaire for the most of us who still believe in democratic freedom of choice rather than the totalitarian way?

Too much ‘do this and don’t do that dogma,’ especially if based upon questionable theory, always results in non compliance.

Moderation in all things is a much healthier battle cry and ever more likely to preclude us and future generations, from what Secco somewhat hysterically describes as “eating the world.”

Derrick Johns

Oak Bay


Oak Bay News