People line up for food being distributed by NightShift Street Ministries in Whalley on a recent evening. NightShift is one of several service providers in Surrey offering hope and help for the homeless.

People line up for food being distributed by NightShift Street Ministries in Whalley on a recent evening. NightShift is one of several service providers in Surrey offering hope and help for the homeless.

Money alone won’t solve the homeless problem

Housing resources are being abused.

Re: “A cautionary tale of homelessness ‘fixes’,” (B.C. Views, Feb. 26).

Full credit goes to Tom Fletcher for being the first to scratch the surface of our failed “homelessness” model and his observation that money alone will not solve this crisis.

Throughout the world and throughout history, social ills have always been the result of shortages. Shortages of food, water and shelter were the result of a lack of resources.

In our society, social ills are a result of excesses. Too much money, too many calories, too much salt, too much alcohol, for example, are the result of over-supply.

Since losing my job in the oil and gas business in Calgary in 2008, I have been a regular user of our “homelessness” services and it is obvious to me that “homelessness” is a result of substance abuse, not poverty.

The province has a legal obligation to provide access to housing services but we have an entire arsenal of housing resources on the federal, provincial and municipal level that are being abused.

Eric Hoch


Surrey Now Leader