Money donated to dolphin-saver would be better spent to help Japanese

Dear editor,
Re: Courtenay activist fundraising for another trip to Japan.
With regard to the above article, I suppose saving dolphins is a good excuse for a trip funded by donations.

Dear editor,Re: Courtenay activist fundraising for another trip to Japan.With regard to the above article, I suppose saving dolphins is a good excuse for a trip funded by donations.Having come back from Japan after six years, I suggest the fundraising activist watch the Japanese news online. I go to FNN — if she does a Google search, she’ll find it.One of FNN’s more recent news articles was about the difficulty for moms in Fukushima, and neighbouring prefectures.The purchase of safe vegetables. Having to dry clothing inside (many Japanese do not have a clothes dryer and live in very small apartments), rather than outside, to avoid radiation.The concern about children playing outside, and of the government raising the amount of radiation that children attending school can be exposed to.It is so very hard right now, for people of often very modest means, in Japan. I understand that a trip ‘saving’ dolphins is very ‘groovy,’ and they are so cute, aren’t they?However, I feel that those donated funds would be put to better use by the Japanese Red Cross. The tsunami cleanup is still going on, many people are living in shelters or temporary housing and there is still a great deal of distress.Louise Evans,Courtenay

Comox Valley Record