Money is not the same as support

When a family says that there is a lack of support in the community, they are not indicating lack of funding.


Re: Ministry defends available autism support, April 23 Northern View

When a family says that there is a lack of support in the community, they are not indicating lack of funding.

Family support and family funding are two very different things.

When a family receives funding to pay for support services that money becomes used less for the support services if there are no support services to attend or get help from. Also, MCFD workers cannot do everything required to help families with disabled children as there are only so many workers. Many families can not even get school support services for their autistic/mentally disadvantaged children.

We have the money to help our children, but where in our community do we go to get daily regular support services?

MCFD has to look past the available funding to the families and look into the lack of available resources and services as well as funding for the services needed.

We really need a Child Development Center here in Prince Rupert, there is a real issue here about medical services for children.

Tina Steppler

Prince Rupert

The Northern View