Dear editor:
I am watching CBC news this evening and the problems that Atira is having in Vancouver with social housing. Many people are homeless due to untreated or under treated mental health issues and addictions. Giving them money for an apartment will not solve the homeless problem for most, as many people become homeless due to their inability to live in an apartment successfully. Some party and disturb other residents. If they smoke and drink to excess, there is a risk of them falling asleep and causing a fire. If they do hard drugs, they cause many more problems.
I have spoken to some older male homeless people who tell me they prefer not to have to pay hydro bills and rent. Some say they would prefer to live in tents. This is why I think places such as Maple Pool, where people live in campers, might be better than apartment living or social housing for some.
I realize this is a complex problem, but wanted to point out the above to some who have suggested using money set aside for housing to help homeless people rent apartments.
Not many apartment managers would permit homeless people to rent from them either.
Marilyn Crosbie