More beds needed at hospital

I am writing this letter for people who like myself need health care in the City of Vernon and the North Okanagan.

I am writing this letter for people who like myself need health care in the City of Vernon and the North Okanagan.

Many of those needing health care are those of retirement age.

I feel that the government of British Columbia should commit to a date to complete the two acute care floors.

I have seen personally the patients at Vernon Jubilee Hospital being forced to sleep in hallways because there are no beds for them.

People who are dying are being forced into hallways.

I find this disgusting, knowing that the B.C. government can ignore this but waste money on a new roof for a stadium, over-paid pensions, wages and bonuses, just to name a few, while the people of Vernon and the North Okanagan have to suffer.

I personally am waiting for hip surgery. I am on anti-inflammatory medication and have been for quite awhile.

It is a proven fact that if these medications are taken for too long, they will cause all kinds of health issues.

I have been told by a surgeon himself that he can do two or three hip replacement surgeries in one day.

In the last while, two hip replacement surgeries have been performed in one month because there are not enough beds for the patients’ recovery.

I pay health care along with everyone else living in  Vernon/North Okanagan every month so myself and the people who require health care are not getting what they pay for.

To me, that is just not right.

The government of B.C. should think a little about the people who live in Vernon and the North Okanagan and commit to opening the two shelled-in floors.

It is not only the right thing to do, it has to be done now.

Ron Taylor




Vernon Morning Star