More circles and fewer squares

Our Number 5 Highway traffic circle has recorded only two accidents since its inception

Editor, The Times:

Well, well it seems that things in Clearwater go round and round just fine. Our Number 5 Highway traffic circle has recorded only two accidents since its inception, neither of which involved serious injury.

Despite the circle learning curve it seems that locals’, visitors’ and heavy truck traffic has adapted quite well. Oh, there are still those who ignore the circle right-of-way but their numbers are declining. Signalling when leaving the circle is improving and smooth entry while yielding to the circle traffic is improving. Folks, there is really no reason to stop on circle entry when a car turns on southbound at Birch Island.

Yes, learning is possible outside the school house doors for young and old – the traffic roundabout proves it’s possible. Although there is always room for some improvement. I congratulate locals and the travelling public on a job well done.

Next project should be immediately south of the Wells Gray Inn in 2016 (with advance apologies to Bonnie and Jeff for business disruption).

Wes Morden


Blackpool, B.C.



Clearwater Times