More crackdown needed on firecrackers

Firecrackers have gotten louder and louder and continued well into November.

I would like to add my two cents’ worth (with inflation $1.50) to the fireworks debate.

I have no problems with holiday celebrations or fireworks, but over the last few years I have noticed an alarming trend.

As early as three weeks before Halloween in my neighbourhood, the firecrackers have gotten louder and louder and continued well into November, with some being set off last weekend.

As I consider the fact that fireworks in general in Surrey are illegal without permits, this disturbs me.

Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy fireworks on holidays, but this year the firecrackers could be classified as bombs or explosives, as quite a few of them actually shook my house.

I understand that it is impossible for the police to check out all reports, but there has to be something done.

Fireworks need to be limited to a maximum of three days per celebration and more policing is needed.

I had a dog that was so afraid of the fireworks that we had to sedate him on Halloween and feed him Gravol for a week before and a week after, and after a few years, he had a heart attack.


Frank Bott


Surrey Now Leader