More needs to be done

Resident concerned with Vernon's ranking in a national survey

Mr. Poole, Vernon’s economic development manager, seems far too dismissive of this Moneysense report, when in reality he should be exceedingly concerned not only for himself but our community. By any grading standard, Vernon is failing with a rank of 125 out 201.

Lakes, golf courses, and ski hills are meaningless against an unemployment rate of 9.2 per cent because without a well paying job, these amenities are unaffordable luxuries for many.

He sums up his commentary by stating that we try to get tourists here and they want to stay. This is an area that has been unwelcoming to Albertans, and  makes no welcoming gestures towards the many hundreds of Funtastic participants.

This is an area with an average household income $58,000 less than the No. 1 community, yet we have $300,000 to move our tourist booths into an area that absolutely defies logic in any sense.

Vernon can boast of our  zealous and efficient bylaw enforcement team that is very good at discouraging downtown visits by being very effective at handing out parking tickets.

The same group does nothing to enforce bylaws regarding panhandling and loitering on our streets, or enforcing the bylaws against bike riding, skateboarding or  seniors operating their scooters recklessly on our sidewalks.

I ask these same bylaw enforcement people to help make Polson Park safe for all who use it.

It leaves one wondering what he would have been saying about this ranking if Vernon were in the top 20 places to live. Which is exactly where we should be.


Gary Cooper




Vernon Morning Star