More questions

MITCHELL'S MUSINGS: It’s time once again to play the game known as what’s been rattling around in my brain lately

It’s time once again to play the game known as what’s been rattling around in my brain lately. Or possibly better stated as questions that have materialized in my mind of late and if they don’t get expressed they may end up driving me crazy so here goes nothing:

I think I may have asked this one before but the math behind it and free-market analysis fails to answer why when a barrel of oil has dropped down to the 75 bucks a barrel range there hasn’t been a similarly significant drop in gas prices at your friendly  neighbourhood station?

And why is it I’m told to be patient as the price drop slowly works its way through the supply system from its $1.239 perch (I figure it should be around a buck by now but what do I know?) but when there’s even a hint of a problem in the wacky world of oil that may hike the price, it goes up faster than you can say #$%#@!^)*&, so it must be some  kind of reverse economic supply and demand theory that only applies to oil, I guess?

Speaking of fossil fuels, the furnace is getting a workout of late thanks to the drop of temperature in these parts, and here comes another expensive monthly bill to curse about, but in the it-always-could-be-worse department aren’t you glad we live here and not pretty much anywhere else in this great country of ours (or maybe I just watch the weather channel a little too much)?

And speaking of this great country of ours, has anyone else noticed that virtually every Canadian team (OK, maybe sans one) in the NHL is having a stellar start to the season?

But before we get carried away about finally ending the long Stanley Cup drought this side of the border, one should caution oneself that it is only November and I’m pretty sure they hand out the cup in May, or June, or is it July these days?

And of course if one happens to be a Canucks fan, one should remember that last season started out promising as well and if one, for some reason, is a Leafs fan they looked to be a lock for a playoff spot until something happened along the way and they both failed to make the playoffs, so it’s a long season, OK?

The CFL season isn’t as long and it’s wrapping up with the Lions having an outside shot of making the Grey Cup game because they somehow found a way to go the Eastern division route so with wins over Montreal and Hamilton they’re suddenly the home team on Nov. 29 but then that’s a long shot, right?

The civic elections are over and I hope everyone found the time to vote because four years is a long time to not be able to express one’s opinion about local matters (if you didn’t vote, of course), don’t you think?

And my heartfelt gratitude to all those people who put themselves out there and bravely let their name stand for municipal office so that whether they won a seat or not don’t you think we owe them all a thank you for allowing us to have a choice and ensure democracy works like it’s supposed to?

To the winners, also, congratulations and I  hope it’s everything you thought it would be and the next four years bring you good health and a thick skin and the wisdom to help lead your community specifically, and the North Okanagan generally, confidently and optimistically into the unknown, also called the future, with some help from engaged but respectful citizens who also want what’s best for the area, or am I dreaming here?

And wasn’t it Winston Churchill who said it best? – “It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried.”

Thanks for listening, I feel better already, I think?


Vernon Morning Star