More road work needs to be done in Lake Cowichan

I must admit that I have been a little puzzled by the extreme measures that have been going on in the centre of our town to please tourists visiting our area. That is until I read our local paper and found out that safety of pedestrians, cyclists and autos, is one of the main reasons for this work.

Editor: I must admit that I have been a little puzzled by the extreme measures that have been going on in the centre of our town to please tourists visiting our area. That is until I read our local paper and found out that safety of pedestrians, cyclists and autos, is one of the main reasons for this work.

I must say I feel badly that this concept is not extended to the citizens in lower ‘Slobovia’ (area west of River Road on North Shore) where we must walk through tall grass or a washout area along a very busy highway.

Not asking much, just equality.

Nels Olson

Lake Cowichan

Lake Cowichan Gazette