More services for Canadians before refugees

One resident agrees with the need for more services for Canadians first

Re: Letters (Gazette, March 9)

I completely agree with the letters Stuart Sinclair sent in on the subject of housing for our own disabled, before homeless.

It is bizarre that we are taking in young healthy refugees and housing young, able-bodied street people, who moan all the time about not being given enough from our government. If you look at the problems that refugees are causing all throughout Europe, it is horrendous.

Yes, I agree that international help should be given to those in need abroad. But do it in their own country by training them how to succeed, or even fight for their country if necessary. My own feelings are if Canada needed my services in a crisis, I would never flee, I would stand my ground and defend it. And yes, I have lived in the Middle East and have an idea of how things should work.

Canada is the best country in the world. But mark my words, if we don’t look after it, we are going to lose the very fabric that holds this country together.

We need to take more care of our disabled, our veterans especially, before we spend billions of dollars on something that will radically change the demographics of our way of life.

Paul Collins


Goldstream News Gazette