More slugs in Nelson than hugs

To summer squatters who live in the forest surrounding the city. Get a job.

Hugs. To my neighbour for returning my escapee dog, Winnie. Also a belated thank you to Joel who returned Winnie last fall when she escaped again.


Hugs. To rugby coaches that continue to coach with the job action that is going on. That also is to any other school coaches doing what they love and kids love to do.


SLUGS. To the ones that are trying to stop people who enjoy what they do.


SLUGS. To the control freaks who think they have the right to tell people where to store their stuff because they feel it is esthetically unpleasant for them to place their RVs on their driveway, which they own. Mind your own business, it’s that attitude that is turning our world to hell all in the name of esthetics!


HUGS. To all local artisans who show their talent and share their craft. My hat is off to you all!


SLUGS. To the person who thinks that an adult is setting a bad example by crossing before the light changes. I’m big enough to determine when and whether I should/can cross the road safely. Children should be taught to obey these signs until they are old enough to be able to do it themselves. In a world that has become robotic, I like to use my own train of thought to determine my moves.


SLUGS. To the person who feels the teachers are being insensitive to their students. Wake-up puppet, these teachers are standing up for their rights against the controls the government is inflicting on their rights. The anger should be at the government, not the teachers!


Hugs. To Russ at Safeway for coming to my flower delivery rescue! Thanks for always going above and beyond in helping your customers!


Slugs. To the drivers who cannot seem to maintain the same speed (especially on straight stretches). I am not tailgating you, I am using cruise control!


Slugs. To the vandals who deface city surfaces and even natural stones with spray paint and then leave their empty cans on the ground; you are not artists, just making an ugly, toxic mess that others will have to clean up, unless you decide to clean up after yourselves, which would be worth a hug.


SLUGS. To anyone or group of so called intelligent people that think Canada’s birthday is a time to protest. We are celebrating the birth of what has become the best country on the planet, thanks to people who have worked hard to make and defend this country, including changes made to keep up with the times, which also give alternate thinking people a right to peacefully demonstrate. If only 50 per cent plus of the population voted, then do the non-voters think Canada Day is the time to protest instead of at the polls? A lot of the majority are getting tired of bending over backwards to appease groups that protest anything they can think of and shame on anyone who even thinks of protesting on Canada Day!


SLUGS. To summer squatters who live in the forest surrounding the city. Get a job.


Nelson Star