More theatre subsidies make no sense

Re: Theatre mulling alternatives due to cash shortfall, Jan. 19.

To the Editor,

Re: Theatre mulling alternatives due to cash shortfall, Jan. 19.

Are we nuts?

Certainly the Regional District of Nanaimo will be if it hands over even more money to the Port Theatre by raising taxes by 2.5 per cent.

So too will the City of Nanaimo be crazy if it bows into giving an additional $164,000 handout.

When your business or mine cannot pay the bills, we’re forced to cut back on staff or stock or eventually close our doors.

In this case, the Port Theatre’s general manager, whose job should be in jeopardy because he’s gone in the red and now wants more government subsidies, has the audacity to say he’s not going to lay off staff and seems content on staying the merry course of bringing in acts only a few of the rich and famous types want to see.

If someone – city/regional district staff or elected representatives – doesn’t keep these kinds of folks on track then money, money and more of our money will continue to fly from our paycheques when tax season comes around.

Where’s the leadership of a Donald Trump?

What must be said to the theatre or anyone else with entitlement thoughts to our money is: “You’re fired.”

John Malcolm Petersen


Nanaimo News Bulletin