More thoughts on B.C.’s medicare policy

I read with interest Dr. Partridges well written letter and his concern re: alternative clinics.

To the Editor:

I read with interest Dr. Partridges well written letter and his concern re: alternative clinics.

It is my understanding that the challenge is to the B.C. governments right to dictate to its citizens their choices in their medical wellbeing. Universal medicare funded by both premiums and taxation is an excellent concept but has obvious limitations in funding and accessibility.

Entities such as WCB and federal units bypass medicare for superior service. Many European countries have both systems successfully coexisting.Universal pharmacare in B.C. exists with basic drugs being covered, but allows the patient to use superior drugs at their own expense!


Does the government have the right to dictate medicare as the only medical care in B.C., or should people be allowed to use their own funds to cover deficits in care?                   Michael Jeanes, Keremeos



Keremeos Review