Editor: Re: A revealing conversatioon with an ex-soldier, (letters, The Times, April 8.)
Two sentences in this letter read “Politicians should have outlawed [guns]” and “Guns could teach children to become criminals.”
Guns are a part of our Canadian cultural heritage — means for livelihood, sporting goods, and tools of a trade. To outlaw guns would deprive people of their heirlooms, a portion of their sustenance, a sport, and an income.
Guns are tools, just as dangerous as a kitchen knife or a car in the wrong hands. Should we ban all tools, because they have potential for harm? There are training courses available. These are easily accessible and affordable, and teach correct usage of these tools.
Many people each year pass these training courses, undergo a lengthy background check, and follow all the strict rules and regulations to own firearms. If you reach out to your local range, there are welcoming people interested in introducing newcomers to their sport.
You may discover that the people you encounter are polite, well-mannered and safe — far from being criminals.
As for our soldiers being in foreign countries: to be a part of NATO, we are required to maintain a military force that can be sent to aid on peacekeeping missions. Not a single politician is promising to pull us out of NATO and relieve us of our obligations, so I’d be voting for a politician that can get our military safely home.
Empty promises on reneging on our agreements, and sending our boys and girls overseas — ill-equipped and using outdated technology — to fulfill our political obligations isn’t something I can stand behind.
Amy Bickley,