Most HandyDart drivers are great

I would like to put in a kind word for the 99 per cent of drivers who have displayed courtesy and care to me.

Editor: I read S. Seipp’s letter in your May 29 publication and I  thank her for bringing to our attention the poor conduct of the one HandyDart driver.

I have been a regular passenger on HandyDart for the past year and have ridden with a large number of drivers, however none named Luke. I would like to put in a kind word for the 99 per cent of drivers who have displayed courtesy and care to me and many aged and disabled passengers.

In conversation, I have asked many of them how they like their job.  Everyone that I asked said much the  same thing, that they get a great deal of satisfaction out of helping aged and disabled people get out and around. I have seen drivers carefully deliver passengers right to their door, then give them a hug before they leave.

I do not doubt S. Seipp’s remarks, and in fact agree with the points made. However, I feel compelled to once again point out that the large majority of drivers should not be judged by the one per cent who dispay poor conduct.


B.R. “Doc” Street,


Langley Times