Mountain biking issues

Information for mountain bikers about a dispute over land use.

As the summer season approaches local bikers will be keen to get out on the great trails we have around Golden to do some riding.

This year, as in previous years, there is a dispute over the use of trails in the area known as the Mountain Shadow Trails.  At odds are trail users (particularly bikers) who believe that this Crown land should remain accessible to the public and a woodlot operator who must be able to manage logging operations on that same land.

Local bikers see the area as a community resource that offers great esthetic and technical cross country biking trails close to town.  This group sees particular value in having these trails as a part of a grand trail system in Golden which includes the Mt 7 and Moonraker trails.

Contrary to this view is an equally valid outlook of the woodlot operator who likely views this land as a valuable resource providing local employment, a valuable commodity, and a form of managed conservation of forested land.

These are not mutually exclusive views.  Both parties can coexist producing respectful relationships between the two user groups.  The Moonraker trail system serves as a testament to this fact, operating within a functioning woodlot.  The Mountain Shadow situation differs in that it finds a woodlot operator who feels that in the past his woodlot has not seen respectful practices by bikers and in some cases outright defamation of property.

Contrasting this, local riders feel that they have been asked to leave an area due to the actions of a few individuals.  There are compelling arguments for both sides.

In light of all this, local trail users remain hopeful that a resolution may be found in the future.  Until that time, the Golden Cycling Club is asking all bike riders and trail users to avoid use of the Mountain Shadow trails and NOT engage in any trail maintenance or development.  The Cycling Club has no authority to make this request; however, it is hoped that trail users will respect this request as a show of goodwill towards fostering better partnerships between trail users and woodlot owners.  Please remember that small actions can have long-lasting detrimental impacts – just look at the current situation.


Chad Gennings

President, Golden Cycling Club

Rick Seward

Director, Golden Cycling Club

Mountain Shadow Trails


Golden Star