Mountain project a slippery slope

I agree wholeheartedly with the views regarding the planned development of the south-eastern slopes of Chilliwack Mountain.

I agree wholeheartedly with the views expressed by Sandra Write regarding the planned development of the south-eastern slopes of Chilliwack Mountain.

What bothers me the most is the attitude of the majority of council in giving the nod to this development in full knowledge (I assume), that it went against council guidelines for this kind of thing on more than a 30-degree slope.

No pun intended but it is indeed a slippery slope if the whole project goes ahead and is successful, at least initially (long term would prove quite another matter given any number of possibilities,short term history tells us), as more developers would want to do the same thing and might even want to push the envelope beyond 45 degrees.

What’s to stop 60-degree slopes in time? Chilliwack Mountain’s character and its appearance would change beyond recognition.

The naturalist who spoke in favour of the developer’s kind consideration for the indigenous wildlife surprised me. I would have thought that any naturalist worth his salt would have been opposed to any human encroachment.

Why not just leave the mountain alone. There are great dying chunks of central Chilliwack crying out for redevelopment.

Doug Morley


Chilliwack Progress