Moved by Silver Fox event

Letter writer appreciative of inter-generational activity


Sometimes helping others benefits you more than those you are helping. I had that experience on Friday at the Silver Fox Run, Castle Wood Village’s spin on the Terry Fox Run.

As dozens and dozens of people poured out of front doors at Castle Wood for their “run,” the smiles were abundant. Seeing the residents, guest seniors from other communities, staff and many volunteers walk in support of a single cause was heart warming and empowering. The diversity of the participants was astounding: some completely independent, others with walkers, some in chairs, some holding onto a supporting arm, all happy to be there to support the cause and each other. Volunteers were also diverse including several young girls.

It was amazing. Watching the interactions between the generations alone was wonderful. Nothing says love like intergenerational activities.

Amongst the amazing volunteers were a group of young men, serving food, assisting seniors and even dancing. Yes! Really. The Castlegar Rebels are a truly inspiring group of young men. The respect and genuine interest they showed as they participated in the event needs mention. Seeing the looks on the senior ladies’ faces as the rebels one by one were partnered for the dance floor was indescribable.

As a seniors advocate I see a lot of our elderly in challenging and often heart wrenching situations. This positive event, full of caring and joy, was just what I needed.

Thanks to the Castle Wood crew for an amazing event. I am already looking forward to next year, and recruiting more helpers.

Sandi McCreight,


Castlegar News