MP Beech blasted

I heard the news last week that Burnaby MP Terry Beech has turned traitor to his constituents

I heard the news last week that Burnaby MP Terry Beech has turned traitor to his constituents regarding him electioneering that he was not for the Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion Project and now turns around and is for it.

I feel that he has made a terrible move to go along with PM Justin Trudeau’s bad decision to approve the Trans Mountain Expansion.

Beech is betraying the will of his constituents. He made commitments to get elected. Now he is following Trudeau’s dictates. He needs to have a conscience and tell the PM he is wrong to allow that pipeline with its poisonous dangerous content.

How can Beech possibly live with the people in his community that he is betraying and putting in danger ?

Did he not read the report from the Ministerial Panel for the Trans Mountain Expansion Project, especially pages 27 to 30 describing dilbit and how dangerous it is?

He needs to read what former Vancouver firefighter Steve Edmonds wrote. He wrote that he has liver and kidney damage plus stomach and breathing problems from dilbit gases when the Burnaby pipeline explosion occurred. He feels fortunate because the rest of his crew has passed on from the exposure to the gases.

Is MP Beech willing to take the risks that his neighbours may have chronic disease or even be killed from the gases of dilbit (bitumen and, unknown to the public, solvents)? Early exposure can impair a child for life. If tragic things happen, then he and the rest of his Liberals will be held responsible because of their decision to allow the pipeline to be built.

When the tankers pollute and devastate the Salish Sea he and his Liberals will be held responsible.

It is very possible that tar and noxious gas may roll up on the beaches of Parksville, Qualicum and Lasqueti Island someday.

I would ask MP Beech to please do the correct thing for Burnaby and B.C. by rejecting the Trans Mountain Expansion Project. I would ask him to please do the correct thing for future generations.

David Ham

Lasqueti Island

Parksville Qualicum Beach News